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Library specification


You can use all regular Arduino functionalities with CanSat NeXT, as well as any Arduino libraries. Arduino functions can be found here:

CanSat NeXT library adds several easy to use functions for using the different on-board resources, such as sensors, radio and the SD-card. The library comes with a set of example sketches that show how to use these functionalities. The list below also shows all available functions.

System Initialization Functions


Functionuint8_t CanSatInit(uint8_t macAddress[6])
Return Typeuint8_t
Return ValueReturns 0 if initialization was successful, or non-zero if there was an error.
uint8_t macAddress[6]
6-byte MAC address shared by the satellite and the ground station. This is an optional parameter - when it is not provided, the radio is not initialized. Used in example sketch: All
DescriptionThis command is found in the setup() of almost all CanSat NeXT scripts. It is used to initialize the CanSatNeXT hardware, including the sensors and the SD-card. Additionally, if the macAddress is provided, it starts the radio and starts to listen for incoming messages. The MAC address should be shared by the ground station and the satellite. The MAC address can be chosen freely, but there are some non-valid addresses such as all bytes being 0x00, 0x01, and 0xFF. If the init function is called with a non-valid address, it will report the problem to the Serial.

CanSatInit (simplified MAC-address specification)

Functionuint8_t CanSatInit(uint8_t macAddress)
Return Typeuint8_t
Return ValueReturns 0 if initialization was successful, or non-zero if there was an error.
uint8_t macAddress
Last byte of the MAC-address, used to differentiate between different CanSat-GS pairs.
DescriptionThis is a simplified version of the CanSatInit with MAC address, which sets the other bytes automatically to a known safe value. This enables the users to differentiate their Transmitter-Receiver pairs with just one value, which can be 0-255.


Functionuint8_t GroundStationInit(uint8_t macAddress[6])
Return Typeuint8_t
Return ValueReturns 0 if initialization was successful, or non-zero if there was an error.
uint8_t macAddress[6]
6-byte MAC address shared by the satellite and the ground station.
Used in example sketchGroundstation receive
DescriptionThis is a close relative of the CanSatInit function, but it always requires the MAC address. This function only initializes the radio, not other systems. The ground station can be any ESP32 board, including any devboard or even another CanSat NeXT board.

GroundStationInit (simplified MAC-address specification)

Functionuint8_t GroundStationInit(uint8_t macAddress)
Return Typeuint8_t
Return ValueReturns 0 if initialization was successful, or non-zero if there was an error.
uint8_t macAddress
Last byte of the MAC-address, used to differentiate between different CanSat-GS pairs.
DescriptionThis is a simplified version of the GroundStationInit with MAC address, which sets the other bytes automatically to a known safe value. This enables the users to differentiate their Transmitter-Receiver pairs with just one value, which can be 0-255.

IMU Functions


Functionuint8_t readAcceleration(float &x, float &y, float &z)
Return Typeuint8_t
Return ValueReturns 0 if measurement was successful.
float &x, float &y, float &z
float &x: Address of a float variable where the x-axis data will be stored.
Used in example sketchIMU
DescriptionThis function can be used to read acceleration from the on-board IMU. The parameters are addresses to float variables for each axis. The example IMU shows how to use this function to read the acceleration. The acceleration is returned in units of G (9.81 m/s).


Functionfloat readAccelX()
Return Typefloat
Return ValueReturns linear acceleration on X-axis in units of G.
Used in example sketchIMU
DescriptionThis function can be used to read acceleration from the on-board IMU on a specific axis. The example IMU shows how to use this function to read the acceleration. The acceleration is returned in units of G (9.81 m/s).


Functionfloat readAccelY()
Return Typefloat
Return ValueReturns linear acceleration on Y-axis in units of G.
Used in example sketchIMU
DescriptionThis function can be used to read acceleration from the on-board IMU on a specific axis. The example IMU shows how to use this function to read the acceleration. The acceleration is returned in units of G (9.81 m/s).


Functionfloat readAccelZ()
Return Typefloat
Return ValueReturns linear acceleration on Z-axis in units of G.
Used in example sketchIMU
DescriptionThis function can be used to read acceleration from the on-board IMU on a specific axis. The example IMU shows how to use this function to read the acceleration. The acceleration is returned in units of G (9.81 m/s).


Functionuint8_t readGyro(float &x, float &y, float &z)
Return Typeuint8_t
Return ValueReturns 0 if measurement was successful.
float &x, float &y, float &z
float &x: Address of a float variable where the x-axis data will be stored.
Used in example sketchIMU
DescriptionThis function can be used to read angular velocity from the on-board IMU. The parameters are addresses to float variables for each axis. The example IMU shows how to use this function to read the angular velocity. The angular velocity is returned in units mrad/s.


Functionfloat readGyroX()
Return Typefloat
Return ValueReturns angular velocity on X-axis in units of mrad/s.
Used in example sketchIMU
DescriptionThis function can be used to read angular velocity from the on-board IMU on a specific axis. The parameters are addresses to float variables for each axis. The angular velocity is returned in units mrad/s.


Functionfloat readGyroY()
Return Typefloat
Return ValueReturns angular velocity on Y-axis in units of mrad/s.
Used in example sketchIMU
DescriptionThis function can be used to read angular velocity from the on-board IMU on a specific axis. The parameters are addresses to float variables for each axis. The angular velocity is returned in units mrad/s.


Functionfloat readGyroZ()
Return Typefloat
Return ValueReturns angular velocity on Z-axis in units of mrad/s.
Used in example sketchIMU
DescriptionThis function can be used to read angular velocity from the on-board IMU on a specific axis. The parameters are addresses to float variables for each axis. The angular velocity is returned in units mrad/s.

Barometer Functions


Functionfloat readPressure()
Return Typefloat
Return ValuePressure in mbar
Used in example sketchBaro
DescriptionThis function returns pressure as reported by the on-board barometer. The pressure is in units of millibar.


Functionfloat readTemperature()
Return Typefloat
Return ValueTemperature in Celsius
Used in example sketchBaro
DescriptionThis function returns temperature as reported by the on-board barometer. The unit of the reading is Celsius. Note that this is the internal temperature measured by the barometer, so it might not reflect the external temperature.

SD Card / File System Functions


Functionbool SDCardPresent()
Return Typebool
Return ValueReturns true if it detects an SD-card, false if not.
Used in example sketchSD_advanced
DescriptionThis function can be used to check if the SD-card is mechanically present. The SD-card connector has a mechanical switch, which is read when this function is called. Returns true or false depending on whether the SD-card is detected.


Functionuint8_t appendFile(String filename, T data)
Return Typeuint8_t
Return ValueReturns 0 if write was successful.
String filename: Address of the file to be appended. If the file doesn’t exist, it is created.
T data: Data to be appended at the end of the file.
Used in example sketchSD_write
DescriptionThis is the basic write function used to store readings to the SD-card.


Functionvoid printFileSystem()
Return Typevoid
Used in example sketchSD_advanced
DescriptionThis is a small helper function to print names of files and folders present on the SD-card. Can be used in development.


Functionvoid newDir(String path)
Return Typevoid
String path: Path of the new directory. If it already exists, nothing is done.
Used in example sketchSD_advanced
DescriptionUsed to create new directories on the SD-card.


Functionvoid deleteDir(String path)
Return Typevoid
String path: Path of the directory to be deleted.
Used in example sketchSD_advanced
DescriptionUsed to delete directories on the SD-card.


Functionbool fileExists(String path)
Return Typebool
Return ValueReturns true if the file exists.
String path: Path to the file.
Used in example sketchSD_advanced
DescriptionThis function can be used to check if a file exists on the SD-card.


Functionuint32_t fileSize(String path)
Return Typeuint32_t
Return ValueSize of the file in bytes.
String path: Path to the file.
Used in example sketchSD_advanced
DescriptionThis function can be used to read the size of a file on the SD-card.


Functionuint8_t writeFile(String filename, T data)
Return Typeuint8_t
Return ValueReturns 0 if write was successful.
String filename: Address of the file to be written.
T data: Data to be written to the file.
Used in example sketchSD_advanced
DescriptionThis function is similar to the appendFile(), but it overwrites existing data on the SD-card. For data storage, appendFile should be used instead. This function can be useful for storing settings, for example.


FunctionString readFile(String path)
Return TypeString
Return ValueAll content in the file.
String path: Path to the file.
Used in example sketchSD_advanced
DescriptionThis function can be used to read all data from a file into a variable. Attempting to read large files can cause problems, but it is fine for small files, such as configuration or setting files.


Functionvoid renameFile(String oldpath, String newpath)
Return Typevoid
String oldpath: Original path to the file.
String newpath: New path of the file.
Used in example sketchSD_advanced
DescriptionThis function can be used to rename or move files on the SD-card.


Functionvoid deleteFile(String path)
Return Typevoid
String path: Path of the file to be deleted.
Used in example sketchSD_advanced
DescriptionThis function can be used to delete files from the SD-card.

Radio Functions


Functionvoid onDataReceived(String data)
Return Typevoid
String data: Received data as an Arduino String.
Used in example sketchGroundstation_receive
DescriptionThis is a callback function that is called when data is received. The user code should define this function, and the CanSat NeXT will call it automatically when data is received.


Functionvoid onBinaryDataReceived(const uint8_t *data, uint16_t len)
Return Typevoid
const uint8_t *data: Received data as a uint8_t array.
uint16_t len: Length of received data in bytes.
Used in example sketchNone
DescriptionThis is similar to the onDataReceived function, but the data is provided as binary instead of a String object. This is provided for advanced users who find the String object limiting.


Functionvoid onDataSent(const bool success)
Return Typevoid
const bool success: Boolean indicating if data was sent successfully.
Used in example sketchNone
DescriptionThis is another callback function that can be added to the user code if required. It can be used to check if the reception was acknowledged by another radio.


Functionint8_t getRSSI()
Return Typeint8_t
Return ValueRSSI of the last received message. Returns 1 if no messages have been received since boot.
Used in example sketchNone
DescriptionThis function can be used to monitor the signal strength of the reception. It can be used to test antennas or the gauge the radio range. The value is expressed in dBm, however the scale is not accurate.

sendData (String variant)

Functionuint8_t sendData(T data)
Return Typeuint8_t
Return Value0 if data was sent (does not indicate acknowledgment).
T data: Data to be sent. Any type of data can be used, but is converted to a string internally.
Used in example sketchSend_data
DescriptionThis is the main function for sending data between the ground station and the satellite. Note that the return value does not indicate if data was actually received, just that it was sent. The callback onDataSent can be used to check if the data was received by the other end.

sendData (Binary variant)

Functionuint8_t sendData(T* data, uint16_t len)
Return Typeuint8_t
Return Value0 if data was sent (does not indicate acknowledgment).
T* data: Data to be sent.
uint16_t len: Length of the data in bytes.
Used in example sketchNone
DescriptionA binary variant of the sendData function, provided for advanced users who feel limited by the String object.

ADC Functions


Functionfloat adcToVoltage(int value)
Return Typefloat
Return ValueConverted voltage as volts.
int value: ADC reading to be converted to voltage.
Used in example sketchAccurateAnalogRead
DescriptionThis function converts an ADC reading to voltage using a calibrated third-order polynomial for more linear conversion. Note that this function calculates the voltage at the input pin, so to calculate the battery voltage, you need to also consider the resistor network.


Functionfloat analogReadVoltage(int pin)
Return Typefloat
Return ValueADC voltage as volts.
int pin: Pin to be read.
Used in example sketchAccurateAnalogRead
DescriptionThis function reads voltage directly instead of using analogRead and converts the reading to voltage internally using adcToVoltage.